What We Do
WAGS of East Texas is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quaity of life of East Texas pets. We accept direct monetary donations and also operate WAGS Boutique in Tyler, an upscale furniture resale/consignment and retail shop. Proceeds from the boutique are used to help feed, house, and provide medical care for animals in need. To donate your gentlyused, unwanted furniture and support a great cause, contactus today and we’ll make it happen!
What can I do?
We accept monetary donations or donations of gently used furniture and household items. All proceeds go toward our mission of providing better lives for animals in East Texas.
Shopping our site is a wonderful way to show your support! Proceeds from our sales help provide food and medical care for pets in need in East Texas. The perfect piece for your home may be in store!
Sharing is Caring! Connect with us on Facebook!